The Grawlix is a comedy trio consisting of Adam Cayton-Holland, Andrew Orvedahl and Ben Roy.
The trio are the creators, writers and actors behind the TV show, “Those Who Can’t,” which ran for three seasons on truTV.
They also host a podcast, entitled, “The Grawlix Saves the World,” in which they try to better the world around them by bettering themselves. Competitively.
The Grawlix also host a monthly stand-up show that takes place at Denver’s historic Bug Theatre on the last Saturday of every month.
They have also made tons of comedy sketches over the years, some of which are available here.
The Grawlix Saves the World
The Grawlix Saves The World is a comedy podcast from Adam Cayton-Holland, Ben Roy, and Andrew Orvedahl, collectively known as The Grawlix.
This podcast finds the fellas trying to improve their own lives, and by extension, the world at large. Each episode presents a challenge for them to overcome, in the hope that they will emerge as better people. Each episode also includes standup comedy clips from the group’s acclaimed live monthly show, featuring national touring comedians such as David Gborie, Debra DiGiovanni, and Eliza Skinner.