199763_101313466621458_101151559970982_8489_3825686_nWell would you look at me starting off 2014 with a My Dining Room Table bang?! And I know that sounds like I celebrated New Year’s alternately detonating a bomb or having sex with someone on the very table where I podcast – neither, blacked out at a concert, duh – what I’m actually referring to is the very first guest to the podcast in the year 2014, people’s champion Rory Scovel!

You might know Rory as the man behind the innumerable – actually quite numerable, three – amazing appearances on Conan, late-night stand up spots that are rewriting the rules for late-night stand up spots, mostly because no one had ever written rules before, and now Rory is doing just that, angrily, and with purpose, in a weird little book that he keeps. You might know him from the new TBS show “Ground Floor” where he plays a poor person! You might know him as Principal Quinn from Amazon jugger-not “Those Who Can’t,” or you may just remember him as Meg White, the drummer for The White Stripes. However you know Rory, you know that he’s hilarious.

Unless he robbed you. In which case I’m sorry he did that to you. There is absolutely no excuse for that. And Rory should know better. Christ, Rory does know better. I imagine he must have been in really dire straits to do something like that to you because it is completely out of character. Maybe he needed money for pot. Fuck. I don’t know. He’s an artist, he’s weird. I can’t really be held responsible for what he does. Just forgive him. Christ would.

But to the rest of you, enjoy this sit-down I had with Rory! It was a delight chatting with him; it was a delight doing a very fun show together at the Voo Doo Comedy Playhouse; it was a delight going to Snooze with him, where he not only got preferential seating treatment, but where he actually treated everyone to brunch. Yeah. He’s that good of a guy.

Although, in retrospect, I now realize he was probably using stolen money to treat us to that breakfast and if that’s the case I want to apologize to the people that he stole that money from. Armed with this new information, I guess it would really look like I was just trying to rub salt in your wounds. But I was not. I was trying to shake salt, on my delicious Chilaquiles Benedict that I ate for free with your money!

Boom! Classic 2014 subterfuge!

Rory humbly requested that you watch this music video.

Then he asked me that you listen to this episode on iTunes here.

Enjoy, y’all.